Pricing – Affordable Bail-Outs for Every Level

Check our Discounts!

The most competitive Bail-out pricing in the city!

Torn justice system is unfair!

Did you know that Torn's justice system can charge you over 500.000 Dollars per hour in bail cost!? At Simo, Attorney at Law we work to reduce that abusive amount and here's how:

Our discounts range from 10% to 40%, Apply the following formula to calculate your bail cost with

At Simo, Attorney at Law we cut down on the additional costs:

Travel expenses? Why? we're in Torn city already!

Court filing fees? No need, we just plant the documents into the city court's archives

Expert witness fees? We got our special hobo witnesses on the go for cheap!

Investigator fees? We just make stuff up and say our P.I. gave us the documents!

Document preparation and copying costs? How about i just improvise?!

Our Pricing Model

Our Pricing is Player Level based, Discount is regressive, meaning that higher level players get less discount.

We support the little guys!

Save MILLIONS of dollars today!